Empowering Women to Trust Themselves

Teaching women to be co-creators of their lives
using their superpowers, intuition and resilience!

Give your women inspiration and tools that spark healing.

As someone deeply entrenched in the world of social work and therapy for over 12 years doing healing work with female leaders, I’ve encountered a breadth of personal and professional experiences that have shaped my perspective.

From my early days as a therapist aiding domestic violence survivors and their children, to supporting chronically homeless adults grappling with mental illness and addiction, and helping career driven women heal the deepest parts of themselves, each encounter has been a lesson in resilience and intuition.

As a fellow female leader, I have similar challenges experienced by my clients from grief, divorce, faith crisis, and scary career pivots. My own healing work has informed my framework that I have been using to successfully help women level up their lives. 

I bring my lens as a trauma informed therapist to help countless women unlock their superpower, intuition, and connect with their personal story of resilience that has helped them thrive in and out of the workplace. The days of living a life that looks good on paper, but be a hot mess in reality are over!

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About Beatrice’s Keynotes

A respected speaker and mental health expert, Beatrice has delivered inspiring keynotes to some of the world’s most influential female leaders. She talks on resilience, intuition and boundaries to help women live lives they love.

Beatrice understands the importance of putting someone in front of your people, and trusting that they connect authentically and give tools they can use. That’s why she takes the time to customize every keynote to meet your goals.

What people are saying

Keynotes tailored to your audience

Experience transformation and empowerment in all aspects of life.

Your intuition is your super power

Intuition is a superpower that all of us have but few tap into. Beatrice use engaging and relatable storytelling to empower women in their journey of healing their connection with this part of themselves.

Your are living proof of resilience

Resilience is typically attribute to hardship but as women we are constantly stretched in the high points of our lives. Beatrice helps women look back at how they have snapped back after being stretched in various seasons of life.

Boundaries and Radical Honesty

As women and nurturers, we struggle saying no and taking care of ourselves. Beatrice empowers women to practice rigorous honesty, self-acceptance, and ask for what they want so they can live a life they truly love.

Let me ask you something

Are you struggling to trust yourself?

Asking people what you should do about this or that?
Stuck in shaming or being hyper critical of yourself?
Living a life that looks good on paper but in real life, isn’t all that great?

If so, You are not alone. There are so many women feeling these same things and seeking solutions to feel better and thrive. Our path to achieving this is unique and possible. The wisdom of how to get there lies within you and can be revealed through our work together.

This experience is common for leaders in the workplace, community and at home. It was even true for my life for too many years. It takes intentionality to shift into a life you love and to stay there. There is no magic pill…it takes self love and commitment to truth.

Most leaders are great at performing at work but struggle silently with their self-esteem, boundaries, and self trust. As a result, unnecessary energy is used to overcome these mental hurdles leading to a decrease in quality of life.

Have you ever tried really hard to remove a stripped screw only to realize after asking for help that there is a tool specifically to help remove it seamlessly? Well, thats the type of shortcut I help leaders with daily.

Ask yourself, would I like to…
Learn to trust myself with greater conviction
Invest in things that are truly in alignment with me
Set boundaries without feeling bad about myself
Live a life that looks good on paper and feels good in real life

If you answered yes to any of these questions, maybe you’re in need of a mental tune up.

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Read our latest blog that speaks to the hearts of women who are bosses in every area of their lives, love well, take good care of themselves, and yet still crave to dive deeper in their healing.

In our tribe, be believe whole heartedly that it is ok to lead, live a soft life, and feel good while doing both. Join us.

Re-connect with your inner compass – Intuition

Embark on your journey towards a balanced life of peace and ease.

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