Finding Courage in the Everyday: How to Take Small Steps Toward a Life You Love

What Does Courage Mean to You?

What does courage mean to you in this season of your life? I was thinking about this during my recent trip to Cabo, Mexico. While there, I had the pleasure of meeting a fellow traveler from Phoenix, Arizona. He shared incredible stories about his adventures, the beautiful experiences he’s had, and the countries he’s visited over the years. It woke up the “bear” inside me—the one that’s always hungry for adventure, travel, and new experiences.

Being a leader isn’t just about running an organization, leading a team, or being an entrepenuer—it’s about leading your own life.

– Beatrice Klokpah

But here’s the thing: I often wrestle with this “bear.” There’s this pressure to “settle down,” to stay put in one place, which I’ve done since moving back home to Houston, TX after being gone for 5 years. And yet, I can’t shake my love for travel, for experiencing new places.

Confronting Your Deep Desires

I’m sharing this with you because sometimes courage means confronting those deep desires that you’ve pushed down, the ones you think you can’t pursue for one reason or another. Sometimes, courage is listening to that gut feeling nudging you toward your next step. It might mean letting go of something in your life that isn’t working anymore. And sometimes, it’s just reminding yourself to have courage in the first place.

Finding a Balance: My Mexico Decision

Now, I don’t think I’ll move to Mexico—not right now, anyway—but I’ve decided to “live” there for weeks at a time whenever the mood strikes. That’s what courage looks like for me right now; it’s my way of honoring what I want. It’s also honoring the gift of flexibility that life has given me, and I’m going to make the most of it!

What’s Calling You to Be Courageous?

So, what’s calling you to be courageous in your life? If you acted on it, even with a little fear in the mix, how could your life change for the better?

Leading Your Own Life

Being a leader isn’t just about running an organization, leading a team, or being an entrepenuer—it’s about leading your own life. Are you guiding yourself toward a life you love? You don’t have to overhaul everything to make that happen, though sometimes you might. Start small. Feeling tired? Give yourself a nap, for heaven’s sake! Want something? Spend a little on it; you’ll make the money back. Been dreaming of a trip? Go ahead and request the time off and start planning.

Life’s Short—Live It Fully

Life’s short—yeah, I know you already know that—but you might as well live a life you love, or at least work towards it. If you can relate to anything I’ve shared, lets keep the conversation going, email me at [email protected] and let me know what it looks like for you to be courageous in this season of your life? What changes are you being called to make?

Sending you love, grace, peace, and ease. 💫



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